Some Best Power Electronics Books for Electrical Engineers

Power Electronics is one of the most crucial field in Electrical Engineering. It deals with the control, conversion and conditioning of electric power, so that the voltage, current and frequency required by various applications are fulfilled. In Power Electronics, we study the efficient conversion of high electric power from one form to another useful form, such as AC-DC conversion (Rectifiers), DC-DC conversion (Chopper), DC-AC conversion (Inverter) and AC-AC conversion (Cyclo-converters). 

Power Electronics circuits are the foundational circuits in modern electronics. The scope and applications of power electronics covered the major part of modern electronics. The applications of power electronic circuits includes switch mode power supply (SMPS), uninterruptible power supply (UPS), factory automation and process control (variable speed motor drives and robots), transportation system (metros, electric locomotives, electric vehicle etc) utility applications such a residential (refrigeration, computers, lighting etc),  commercial (ventilation, air conditioning, office equipment, elevators etc), and industrial (pump compressor, robots furnaces welding machines etc).

The above discussed applications are just a small bunch of applications. Moreover, it includes some critical applications also, like in aerospace industry, telecommunication industry and power transmission.

So, studying power electronics is essential for an electrical engineer as well as industrial professional to understand the recent trends and advancement of modern electronic systems.

For engineering students, industrial professional and electronics enthusiasts looking to deepen their knowledge, having access to high-quality reference books is essential.      

Key Points that considered these books are best book

  • Books recommended by different Professors, PhD Scholars and Universities on different online platforms.
  • Our top read books: Books which are suggested by our team (Mango Engineer Team)
  • Books that covered all the concepts of power Electronics from very beginning to advance.
  • Books which received positive review from authorized people like engineers, industry professionals on different platform across the web.

  1. Power Electronics by Daniel W. Hart      

Power Electronics book by Daniel W.Hart is the best book for the undergraduates and for the person who wants to learn Power Electronics from scrap. The information given in this book is designed in such a way that a junior or a senior level undergraduate student can easily grasp the concepts provided by this book. The language used in this book is very simple to understand.

The information provided by this book is bifurcated in 10 chapters. These 10 chapters provide the introductory as well as in depth information of power Electronics Concepts.

  • Chapter :- 1 Introduction                           
  • Chapter :- 2 Power Computations
  • Chapter :- 3 Half Wave Rectifiers 
  • Chapter :- 4 Full Wave Rectifiers
  • Chapter :- 5 AC voltage Controllers
  • Chapter :- 6 DC-DC Converters
  • Chapter :- 7 DC Power Supplies 
  • Chapter :- 8 Inverters
  • Chapter :- 9 Resonant Converters 
  • Chapter :- 10 Drive Circuits, Snubber Circuits, and Heat Sinks

Key highlights

  • Theory oriented
  • Concepts derived from very basics.
  • Very simple language used to describe chapters so that a beginner can easily understand.

Power Electronics by Daniel W.Hart

Power Electronics is intended to be an introductory text in power electronics, primarily for the undergraduate electrical engineering student. The text is written for some flexibility in the order of the topics. Much of the text includes computer simulation using PSpice as a supplement to analytical circuit solution techniques.



  2. Power Electronics by PS Bimbhra

Power Electronics by “PS Bimbhra” is a beginner friendly textbook. This book covers the detailed theory with sufficient figures and examples of important concepts of power electronics. This book provides a well-structured course of power electronics so that a beginner can easily understand these concepts.

The information provided by this book is bifurcated in 12 chapters in which 

  • Chapter 1 describes the Introduction to Power Electronics.
  • Chapter 2, 4, and 5 describes the power semiconductor diode, transistor, thyristor and its commutation techniques.
  • Chapter 3, 6, 9 and 10 describes the different power circuits.
  • Chapter 11 and 12 include the discussion on application of power electronic circuits.


Key Highlights

  • Beginner friendly
  • Well-structured coverage of the topics
  • Theory described with help of plenty of figures, this will make this book easy to understand

Power Electronics by P.S. Bimbhra

This book is designed to sever a textbook for the students of engineering studying a course on power Electronics. It provides a lucid and comprehensive treatment of the topics covered in the book. A large number of illustrative figures and a wide variety of worked examples add to the clarity of subject mater. This book would be found suitable as a textbook for the students pursuing courses in the areas of the Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation, Telecommunications and Mechatronics. 



  3. Principle and Elements of Power Electronics: Devices, Drivers, Applications and Passive Components by Barry W. Williams

Principle and Elements of Power Electronics by “Barry W. Williams” is an amazing book for beginner and undergraduate students. The reason behind using the word amazing is for its information provided. The information provided in this book starts from a very basic concept of semiconductor physics and p-n junction theory, then it goes on to power semiconductor devices and then it goes on to power electronics circuits. This book also includes the description of different passive electrical devices.


The information provided by this book is divided into 5 parts. These five arts contain almost 34 chapters.

  • Part 1 includes the 6 chapters which describe power semiconductor devices, their static and dynamic characteristics, electrical and thermal properties and characteristics.

  • Part 2 also includes 6 chapters which describes driving and protection of the different power semiconductor devices.

  • Part 3 includes 10 chapters which describes the different power electronic converter circuits by using different power semiconductor devices.

  • Part 4 includes 6 chapters that cover the information about different systems and energy sources.

  • Part 5 includes 6 chapters which describe the different passive electrical devices.


Key Highlights

  • Concepts defined in this book are derived from very basics like basic semiconductor physics and PN junction theory.
  • Also contains theory about different passive electrical devices.

Power Electronics: Devices, Drivers, Applications and Passive Components by Barry W. Williams

Only by understanding both semiconductor device theory and high-power application can the designer be sure of selecting the correct power device for a given application. This book covers both the switches themselves and the circuitry required to make them work effectively. In this revised and updated version the author has added an entire new section on passive components - capacitors, soft magnetic materials, and resistors. In addition to describing their properties, characteristics, and ratings, he illustrates their use with examples. Important additions to the applications section include converter underlap, reversible converters, and standby and uninterruptible supplies. Many more real examples and problems ensure that the reader gains a thorough working knowledge. 



  4. Power Electronics: Converters, Applications and Design by NED Mohan

Power Electronics by Ned Mohan, Tore M. Undeland and Williams P. Robins is no doubt a great book for Electrical and related Engineers. But this book is not so beginner friendly. As its name implies, this book is mainly focused on Power Electronics Converters designs and their applications. In this book the design and simulation of the power electronics converters is described with the help of MATLAB and PSpice.


The information given in this book is divided in 7 parts 

  • Part :- 1 consists of the Introduction to the field of power electronics and power semiconductor switches, basic concepts of electric and magnetic circuit and the role of computer simulations in power electronics. 

  • Part :- 2 consists of the generic discussion on converters AC-DC, DC-DC, DC-AC and Resonant converter.

  • Part :- 3, 4 and 5 include the discussion on application of Power Electronics Converter in switch-mode dc and uninterruptible power supplies, motor drives and industrial commercial and utility applications respectively.

  • Part :- 6 consists the discussion of different power semiconductor devices used in power electronic converters including diodes, bipolar junction thyristors, metaI-oxide-semiconductor (MaS) field effect transistors, thyristors, gate turn-off thyristors, insulated gate bipolar transistors, and MaS-controlled thyristors.

  • Part :- 7 consists of the discussion on the practical aspects of power electronic converter design including snubber circuits, drive circuits, circuit layout, and heat sinks.

Key highlights

  • More application oriented as you can see in above section three parts of this book covered only the applications area of Power Electronics.
  • Provide design and Simulation knowledge with the help of Matlab and Pspice.
  • Covered practical aspects of power Electronics Converter like snubber circuit, circuit layout and heat sink in separate sections. 

Power Electronics: Converters, Applications and Design by NED Mohan

The text includes cohesive presentation of power electronics fundamentals for applications and design in the power range of 500 kW or less. It describes a variety of practical and emerging power electronic converters made feasible by the new generation of power semiconductor devices. Topics included in this book are an expanded discussion of diode rectifiers and thyristor converters as well as chapters on heat sinks, magnetic components which present a step-by-step design approach and a computer simulation of power electronics which introduces numerical techniques and commonly used simulation packages such as PSpice, MATLAB and EMTP.



5. Power Electronics Handbook by “Muhammad H. Rashid”

Power Electronics Handbook by “Muhammad H. Rashid” is a comprehensive reference book that covers almost each and every concept of Power Electronics. It is an excellent book for those people who want only one book that contains all the concepts in power Electronics.


The book comprises 9 main sections, which together encompasses 47 chapters. Every chapter of this book is described by different professors that have expertise in respective topics.


  • Section :-1 Power Electronics Devices :- This section includes 9 chapters which focus on the discussion of Introduction to Power Electronics and Various Power Electronics Devices.

  • Section 2 Power Conversion :- This section contains 10 chapters which focus on various topologies, terminologies, circuitries and other concepts used for power conversion (AC- DC, DC-DC-DC, DC-AC).

  • Section 3 General Applications, Section 4 Power Generation, Distribution Section 5 Motor Drive. These three sections contain 15 chapters that describe the application of Power Electronics Converters in respective Applications.

  • Section 6 Control, Section 7 Power Quality and EMI Issues. These two section include seven chapters, describing the conditioning of Electric Power.

  • Section 8 Simulation and Packaging, describes simulation of Various power Electronics Converters using Pspice.

  • Section 9 Energy Sources, Storage and Transmission 

Key highlights
  • Cover all the concepts in in single book
  • Each chapter is described by the different processors that have the expertise in respective topics.

Power Electronics Handbook by “Muhammad H. Rashid”

Power Electronics is intended to be an introductory text in power electronics, primarily for the undergraduate electrical engineering student. The text is written for some flexibility in the order of the topics. Much of the text includes computer simulation using PSpice as a supplement to analytical circuit solution techniques.



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